Digital Marketing in Real Estate: 14 Sustainable Strategies

Digital Marketing in Real Estate: 14 Sustainable Strategies

Contrary to popular belief, digital marketing is not just for eCommerce sites and B2B companies. Every business should have a strong online presence so that it can connect with consumers and potential clients. This includes real estate firms, who are doing more business online than ever before!

Despite the surge in internet usage and the rise of social media, nearly half of small businesses in the U.S. do not have a website. Many of those that do are not nearly active enough on it — in fact, many do not have any marketing strategy at all for their online presence.

As part of our ethos, Insights ABM is committed to helping brands become more visible. We are a digital marketing strategy agency located in Dallas, TX. 

With that mission in mind, our team has outlined 14 sustainable digital marketing strategies for real estate professionals.

1.   Use a CRM

A customer relationship management program can help you to stay connected with current and past clients. You can upload all of your contacts into a CRM, set up reminders to communicate with clients about changes in the market, and much more. 

Gone are the days of paper fliers and cold calls to drum up business. Leverage your CRM to meaningfully connect with new leads and encourage repeat business by providing valuable content to your past clients digitally.

2.   Plan Ahead

Your digital marketing content must be organized and consistent. That is why we recommend planning it out in advance. Set aside one day per month to lay out your goals and messaging for the coming weeks. 

Sending market updates when it’s a good time to buy, sell, refinance, or invest can establish your reputation as an authority in your field. Use your CRM to send out information to your database and to schedule and publish your content on a regular basis.

3.   Invest in Storage

Before your digital content library becomes too large, invest in storage. There are plenty of options available, from off-site servers to cloud storage. Find an option that meets your needs and budget. Be sure to have backups in place to protect all of your hard work. 

4.   Become a Master of One

With all of the different digital marketing methods out there, it can be tempting to implement multiple strategies at once, designing content for Facebook, Instagram, landing pages, and Twitter all at once. While this may be a great idea for an established marketer, for most agents, it’s best to start with one key strategy. Once you have mastered an approach, begin diversifying your campaigns.

5.   Set Attainable Social Media Goals

When you want to garner a larger social media following, it is essential that you set attainable goals that you can stick with. For instance, your goal may be to post three times per week or to add to your story daily. Pick a goal and hold yourself accountable.

6.   Be Consistent on Social

Be consistent on social media. Posting consistently for months will all go to waste if you ghost your followers for weeks at a time. Regularly post engaging content and keep up the momentum you’ve worked so hard to build. 

7.   Leverage Your Listings

Got a new listing? An upcoming open house? An accepted offer? A closing? Every transaction offers multiple touchpoints that you can use to show your expertise. By celebrating milestones on social media, you create a sense of story for your followers, helping them to understand that when they work with you, you’ll help them move through a transaction seamlessly.

8.   Be Genuine

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions that many people will make in their lifetimes. Why should they choose to work with you? 

Use social media and digital marketing to tell your story. Be genuine so that potential clients can relate to your message. Highlight satisfied clients and instances where you went the extra mile to make a deal happen. Answer common questions. Each of these things can help to establish your reputation as a local expert.

9.   Be Fluid

Digital marketing trends constantly change. To do well online, you must be fluid and embrace change. This will allow you to stay ahead of your competitors and connect with consumers in innovative ways.

10.  Create Captivating Content

Users do not want bland, dull content. They want to be engaged and intrigued. Ensure that text is easy to read, short, and helpful to your target market. Optimize it for keywords that you want to focus on. Add some great graphics or visuals. Make sure that any content you post is captivating and well designed.

11.  Grow Your Brand

Use social media to grow your brand. You want your firm’s logo to become immediately recognizable. The more frequently you present users with high-quality content, the stronger their association with your brand will become. 

12.  Set a Clear Marketing Budget

Create a clear marketing budget and adhere to it. Make every dollar count by reviewing the latest analytics. Adjust your strategies as needed so that you do not waste marketing resources on ineffective mediums.

13.  Seek Out Client Feedback

Testimonials and client feedback are great for long-term marketing. Actively seek out client feedback. Ask them to leave a review on Yelp, your website, or Google. Once you have acquired multiple reviews, incorporate them into your future marketing content.

14.  Hire a Digital Marketing Strategy Agency

Most agents don’t have a ton of time to devote to digital marketing. Want to ensure the long-term success of your real estate digital marketing strategy? Partner with a professional firm like Insights ABM. 

Our experts have vast experience in the world of digital marketing. With our help, your brand will stand out above the rest. Contact our team today and let’s make things happen!

Joe Cantu

Joe is a digital marketing strategist and media buying/planning leader with 13+ years of expertise in marketing strategy and program management, omnichannel campaign delivery, brand building, data analytics, and customer experience/UX optimization. He has helped drive growth for industry-leading clients, including F500/F100 firms.